Amiens Workshop on Measure Selection

CH4LLENGE’s Third Training Workshop: Identification and Selection of Measures

Achieving sustainable, energy-efficient and environmentally friendly transport systems is one of the European key aims. Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) are an instrument that contributes to reaching the climate and energy targets set by European leaders and is promoted by the European Commission in relevant documents such as the Transport White Paper and Urban Action Plan. Cities frequently face major barriers while creating their own Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans.
After two successful SUMP Challenge Training Workshops,  first in Gent on “Stakeholder participation and citizen involvement” and second in Leeds on “Institutional cooperation between sectors and disciplines”, CH4LLENGE organises its third workshop that will focus on the identification of the most effective measures and measure packages in sustainable urban mobility planning. The workshop will be organised in Amiens, France on 1-2 April 2014.

Once a city has specified its objectives and identified the problems to be overcome, the next step is to identify possible policy measures. The resulting long list of possible measures then needs to be assessed for appropriateness, resulting in a shortlist of more promising measures. These need to be specified and assessed in more detail for application.

An effective package of measures can combine those policy measures which are themselves most effective in ways which achieve synergy – by making the whole more effective than the sum of the parts – and which increase acceptability. The benefits of improved procedures for identifying effective measures and packages are thus in:

  • making the process more efficient;
  • making the policy content more acceptable and affordable; and, above all, in
  • making the resulting policy more cost-effective.

The first day of the workshop will introduce the participants to the basics of measure identification, present exemplary measure selection processes in the CH4LLENGE cities and show how the decision-support tool KonSULT, developed by the Institute for Transport Studies of the University of Leeds, can be applied. The second day will pay attention to the principles of packaging of measures, present examples, look at how measure packages can be identified with KonSULT, and discuss barriers and solutions. Both days will also be used for continuing the development of local SUMP roadmaps.

Download the programme and practical information

Photo: Amiens Métropole


Break-out session:
Workshop Day 1:
Workshop Day 2: