BKK Centre for Budapest Transport aims to follow the European trends with establishing a new strategic planning tradition and be part of the paradigm shift in sustainable urban mobility planning. As the fully-integrated transport‐organising authority of the capital city of Hungary, BKK’s goals are to improve the sustainability of Budapest’s urban transport system, to increase the liveability of the city and to use the available resources effectively.
Budapest’s existing transport development plan, called “Budapest Közlekedési Rendszerének Fejlesztési Terve”, is revised regularly by BKK. The key aim in the current revision phase is to turn the transport development plan into a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan within the next three to five years. CH4LLENGE plays a crucial role in tackling the main barriers as it will help raising awareness among decision-maker and stakeholders, foster knowledge transfer and demonstrate how sustainable urban mobility planning can enrich city development.
For preparing the SUMP, BKK concentrates on the first five elements of the SUMP circle, which are also addressed in the CH4LLENGE project – participation processes and institutional cooperation. The development of a common vision, the identification of mobility priorities and goals, and the decision of the key SUMP measures will be put into practice in a participatory approach engaging relevant stakeholders and citizens. Here, strong emphasis will also be on integrating different institutions, sectors and disciplines. Further, Budapest will benefit from the knowledge of the Optimising Cities and the experiences the cities gain in the project in the thematic areas of measure identification, measure selection, monitoring and evaluation. Lessons learned in CH4LLENGE will help BKK later on in the implementation and evaluation phase of the Budapest SUMP.
About mobility planning in Budapest: