WYCA represents the five West Yorkshire local district authorities of Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield and is one of the four CH4LLENGE Optimising Cities. Leeds is the commercial centre of West Yorkshire and travel-for-work area of 2.9 million people.
WYCA is the Strategic Transport Authority and works on behalf of the West Yorkshire local authorities to deliver a high-quality transport network. WYCA develops and manages delivery of the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan, called ‘Local Transport Plan’ (LTP). The LTP reflects national policy and local objectives. The current 15-year West Yorkshire LTP was approved on 1 April 2011 and covers the period 2011 to 2026. The Plan was developed in partnership with five local district authorities and other institutional partners.
WYCA leads the Institutional Cooperation Work Package in CH4LLENGE and can draw on its strengths in SUMP from its experience of three LTPs. WYCA is continuously refining its governance arrangements for decision making by partners on the LTP. WYCA shares information with project partners on governance structures and protocols, technical work informing the development of any new institutional landscape and processes, and programme and project management methodologies, tools and processes. WYCA draws on the wider UK Passenger Transport Executive Group (bringing in the other UK Core Cities) for partner cities to benefit from a broader range of UK experience than possible with a single city.
In CH4LLENGE, WYCA will also pilot engagement practice particularly with the health sector and stakeholder/interest groups in respect of cycling; optimise methodologies for appraisal and prioritisation of large and small transport interventions for the identification of most effective measures, including development and application of its Urban Dynamic (land use and transport interaction) Model; and develop monitoring and evaluation practice in particular to develop monitoring and analysis inputs to Business Case development for interventions and to develop practice in implementing real-time adjustment to investment programmes based on intermediate indicator performance.
About mobility planning in West Yorkshire: